Ahmet Fatih Mustacoglu CGL Report

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Progress Report October 17, 2007

I have finished writing a paper for a conference submission. Meanwhile, I have been continuing to work on our hybrid consistency framework implementation. I am reading books and papers about various consistency mechanism. I am also testing our SRG system to fix possible bugs.

Progress Report October 3, 2007

I am reading books, paper about consistency implementation protocols to improve my consistency implementation. I am in the final step of our hybrid consistency framework implementation. Furthermore, I am reading papers and working on a conference paper to submit.

Progress Report September 19, 2007

I am reading various papers related to consistency maintenance. Meanwhile, I have been continuing the implementation of our hybrid consistency mechanism (one for annotation websites and one for our main system).
Furthermore, I am testing the current system for possible bugs and fixing them.